Regular School Board Meeting
Corsica-Stickney Grade School—“Study Hall Room” in Stickney
Wednesday---October 16, 2017-7:30 PM

1)      Opening Prayer

2)      Call meeting to order/Declare a quorum

3)      Pledge of Allegiance

4)      Conflict of Interest Disclosure—Law SDCL 3-23-6

5)      Approve Agenda

6)      Open Forum/Public Discussion—

7)      Unfinished Business---Tractor/snowblower

8)      Surplus—Pick-up

9)      Approve Minutes of Last Meeting

10)  Approval of Financial Statement

11)  Approval of Trust & Agency Report

12)  Approval of Bills

13)  Approval of Mid-Central Cooperative Minutes

14)  Approval of Core Cooperative Minutes

15)  Approve Audit Review

16)  HS Teacher Copier

17)  Corsica-Stickney Elementary named a National Blue Ribbon School.

18)  Principal Reports

19)  Reports, Up-Dates, and Others
a) HS Drainage                                   b)  Vaping Sensors

c)                                                         d)

20)  Executive Session  SDCL 1:25:2:1 Staff(If Needed)

21)  Adjourn