The Regular Meeting of the Corsica-Stickney Board of Education was held on Monday, November 12, 2018 – 7:30 p.m. in Classroom “A” of Corsica-Stickney High School. 


Members Present: Jeremy Wright, President; Chad Clites, Shannon Tolsma, Jason Lagge, Jennifer Van Gorp, & Nicole Bamberg (arrived at 8:07 p.m.)

Members Absent: Don Odens


Officers Present:  Scott Muckey, Superintendent; Andrew Fergen, Secondary Principal; Ferra Kemp, Elementary Principal and Angie Feenstra, Business Manager.


President Wright called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. and a quorum was established. The Pledge of Allegiance preceded the approval of the meeting agenda.


Open Forum/Public Discussion

No open forum/public discussion was held.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure

There were no new conflicts of interest.


Approve Agenda

Motion by Van Gorp seconded by Lagge to approve the agenda with additions as presented.  Motion carried.


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Tolsma seconded by Lagge to approve the minutes from the October 10, 2018 Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried.


Approval of Financial Statement

Motion by Van Gorp seconded by Tolsma to approve the October 2018 Financial Statement.  Motion carried.


October 2018 Trust and Agency Report

Motion by Tolsma seconded by Clites to approve the October 2018 Trust and Agency Report with a beginning balance of $17,222.02, disbursements of $22,302.44, receipts of $25,492.27, for an ending balance of $20,411.85.  Motion carried. 


Approval of Bills

Motion by Tolsma seconded by Lagge to approve the November 2018 listing of bills.  Motion carried.


Approval of Mid-Central Minutes

Motion by Lagge seconded by Van Gorp to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2018 Mid-Central Coop meeting.  Motion carried.


Approval of CORE Minutes

Motion by Lagge seconded by Tolsma to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2018 and November 12, 2018 CORE Educational Coop meetings.  Motion carried.



South Central Buy-in to CORE

Motion by Tolsma seconded by Van Gorp to offer South Central School District a buy-in amount of $35,000 payable within ten years of membership.   Roll call vote was held with the following members voting aye: Lagge, Tolsma, Clites, Van Gorp, and Wright (Odens & Bamberg absent).  Motion carried.


Nicole Bamberg arrived at 8:07 p.m.


Driver’s Education

Motion by Van Gorp seconded by Lagge to keep the driver’s education rate the same as last year.  Mr. Fergen is the teacher and he will receive $120/student for their driving time.  Motion carried.


Principal Reports

Principal Fergen had a handout on the new graduation requirements.  He also informed the board of upcoming fine arts and athletic events.

Principal Kemp said the Veteran’s Day program was very well attended. 


Track Quote

The track is due for some routine maintenance and upkeep.  Midwest Tennis & Track, the company that originally installed the track, was contacted to come look it over and their recommendation is to repair any cracks and thin areas as well as apply a new coat of rubber and sealant and repaint the lines.  Motion by Tolsma seconded by Bamberg to approve the maintenance to be done in the summer of 2019.  Motion carried.


Approve Employment Agreement

Motion by Bamberg seconded by Van Gorp to approve the employment agreement of Phyllis Muilenburg as dishwasher at the Corsica campus for $12.85/hour.  Motion carried.



A request was made by Carly Lagge to hold a fundraiser at the Tripp-Delmont/Armour doubleheader for an overseas music trip that she will be going on.  Mr. Tuschen has been looking into E-rate funding that could possibly cover some of the costs of new access points throughout the schools. With the addition of, the crows nest at the football field can become crowded on some nights.  The board would like to look into costs to add-on to the existing structure.  Mr. Muckey & Mrs. Kemp met with Title III representatives from SD DOE this past month. The custodians are in the process of making lists of surplus items.  Once the lists are finalized we can determine how to dispose of the items. The senior parents informed the school of their potential intentions with the after prom party this year. It was inquired about the possibility of moving the homecoming parade times up so there is more time between parade and game time for practices/game prep.  The parade times will be moved up ½ hour this next year. The feasibility studies are virtually complete with some possible building options and very rough cost estimates.


Executive Session – SDCL 1-25-2 (1) Personnel Matter

At 9:08 p.m., motion by Van Gorp seconded by Lagge to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(1).   Motion carried.  Declared out of executive session at 10:40 p.m. by President Wright.


Volunteer Coaches

Motion by Lagge seconded by Van Gorp to allow a volunteer coach for both boys and girls basketball this year.  Amber Blom has volunteered for the girls’ team and Luke Bamberg for the boys’ team.


There being no further business, at 10:43 p.m., motion by Bamberg seconded by Lagge to adjourn.  Motion carried.  The next regular meeting date will be Monday, December 10, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. in the Study Hall Room of the Corsica-Stickney Elementary School.