Corsica-Stickney School District
Title IX Information


It is the district's policy that sexual harassment is illegal, unacceptable, and shall not be tolerated; that no student of the school district may sexually harass another person.  Any student will be subject to disciplinary action including possible expulsion for violation of this policy.

Any unwelcome sexual advances, solicitation or sexual activity by promise of rewards, coercion of sexual activity by threat of punishment, verbal sexist remarks, or physical sexual assaults constitutes sexual harassment.  This conduct has the effect of unreasonable interference with an individual's academic performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment regardless of intent.

School district officers, employees, and students are responsible for maintaining a learning environment free from sexual harassment.  Careful scrutiny will be undertaken of all allegations of sexual harassment.  False allegations that are malicious or ill-founded may constitute libel or slander.  Copies of the policy will be available at all dministrative offices.

Students should report such incidents to the Title IX Coordinatior, Guidance Counselor and/or the responsible administrator. The Title IX Coordinator can supply the complainant with the proper form and describle the process that will be implemented.

All reported incidents will be thoroughly investigated and subject to disciplinary action.  Confidentiality consistent with due process will be maintained.

If a student files a written complaint because of dissatisfaction with the handling of the complaint, he or she may utilize the grievance procedure as opposed to the Title IX process.

Title IX Policy Complaint Forms

Title IX Coordinator--Brittney Eide--Contact at 605-946-5475 or
Corsica-Stickney School District works in cooperation with the schools from  the Core Educational Cooperative to ensure all other Title IX roles are filled without conflicts.

K-12 Inspection Links

Title IX Basics:

Title IX Investigator / Decision-Maker Level 1:

Title IX Coordinator:

Title IX Decision-Maker Appeals:

Title IX Informal Resolution:

Title IX Athletics:

Title IX Putting Policy Into Practice Series:

ICS permits the posting of its training materials as required by OCR in §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the new Title IX Regulations. You agree that your school district may post training material on its website only if it has been used to train the school district’s Title IX personnel, and only to the extent necessary to comply with Title IX. Any other use or effort to republish, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, display, disclose, or distribute this material shall constitute infringement. © 2020 Institutional Compliance Solutions All rights reserved.